KITA tidak benar-benar bebas seperti apa kita mahu. Kita diikat oleh agama dan kepercayaan; perlembagaan dan undang-undang; syariat dan adat; etiket dan budaya. Itulah namanya Tali Tuhan dan Tali Manusia. Sebab itu tidak salah pada setiap detik kita berusaha untuk mengikat orang-orang yang kita sayangi dengan tali keamanan, tali persahabatan dan tali kasih sayang. Justeru marilah kita mengikat sesama kita dengan benang kasih sayang. Dan jika ikatan sudah mula longgar, marilah kita mengikatnya dengan ikatan yang lebih segar. Dengan izin Tuhan, apabila kita mengikat diri kita dengan agama, kita tidak akan terlepas daripada pandangan-Nya dan jika kita mengikat dengan manusia, tak kan berpaling orang yang disayangi sama ada namanya ibu, bapa,isteri,suami, anak, saudara, jiran, bangsa dan warga dunia. Peperangan yang kerap berlaku mutakhir ini adalah kerana manusia sudah hilang ikatan itu bukan sahaja di hatinya, tapi di jasadnya. Kita tiada pilihan lain selain mengikat dan memperbaharui ikatan itu sama ada secara realiti mahupun simbolik.

Monday, June 11, 2007


President's Welcome

Dear Friends:The most disturbing social trend of our times is the dramatic increase in fatherlessness in the United States.In 1960, less than 8 million children were living in families where the father was absent. Today the number of children living in father-absent homes stands at 24 million. That means that tonight one out of every three children in America will go to sleep in a home in which their father does not live. While it is at times easy to throw around statistics such as these to make a point, the plain truth of the matter is that for every one of these frightening statistics, there is a child attached to it, and, on average, the consequences of father absence for each of these youngsters are not good. Children who grow up in father-absent homes are significantly more likely to do poorly on almost any measure of child well-being. For example:
Almost 75 percent of American children who grow up in single-parent homes will experience poverty before they turn 11-years-old, compared to only 20 percent for families where there are two parents.
Violent criminals are overwhelmingly males who grew up without fathers, including 72 percent of adolescent murderers and 70 percent of long-term prison inmates.
Children living in father-absent homes are also more likely to be suspended from school, or to drop out; be treated for an emotional or behavioral problem; commit suicide as adolescents; and be victims of child abuse or neglect.The National Fatherhood Initiative, supported by its members, is working to change all this. We serve as a catalyst for engaging America in a public and forthright discussion about the necessity of reversing these trends. NFI encourages and supports family and father-friendly policies, develops national public education campaigns to highlight the importance of fathers in the lives of their children, provides motivation for national and local coalition-building, and provides resources to men to help them be better dads.I extend to you my personal greeting and invitation to support the National Fatherhood Initiative. Ensuring that more children grow up with involved and committed fathers is the best way to ensure that every child has what should be their birthright: a happy and secure childhood.
Roland Warren
National Fatherhood Initiative

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