KITA tidak benar-benar bebas seperti apa kita mahu. Kita diikat oleh agama dan kepercayaan; perlembagaan dan undang-undang; syariat dan adat; etiket dan budaya. Itulah namanya Tali Tuhan dan Tali Manusia. Sebab itu tidak salah pada setiap detik kita berusaha untuk mengikat orang-orang yang kita sayangi dengan tali keamanan, tali persahabatan dan tali kasih sayang. Justeru marilah kita mengikat sesama kita dengan benang kasih sayang. Dan jika ikatan sudah mula longgar, marilah kita mengikatnya dengan ikatan yang lebih segar. Dengan izin Tuhan, apabila kita mengikat diri kita dengan agama, kita tidak akan terlepas daripada pandangan-Nya dan jika kita mengikat dengan manusia, tak kan berpaling orang yang disayangi sama ada namanya ibu, bapa,isteri,suami, anak, saudara, jiran, bangsa dan warga dunia. Peperangan yang kerap berlaku mutakhir ini adalah kerana manusia sudah hilang ikatan itu bukan sahaja di hatinya, tapi di jasadnya. Kita tiada pilihan lain selain mengikat dan memperbaharui ikatan itu sama ada secara realiti mahupun simbolik.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Harun Yahya is a pen name used by Mr. Adnan Oktar

BORN in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar is a prominent Turkish intellectual. Completely devoted to moral values and dedicated to communicating the sacred values he cherishes to other people, Oktar started his intellectual struggle in 1979 during his education at Mimar Sinan University's Academy of Fine Arts. During his university years, he carried out detailed research into the prevalent materialistic philosophies and ideologies around him, to the extent of becoming even more knowledgeable about them than their advocates. As a result of his accumulation of knowledge, he has written various books on the fallacy of the theory of evolution. His dedicated intellectual effort against Darwinism and materialism has grown out to be a worldwide phenomenon. Quoting from the 22 April 2000 issue of New Scientist, Mr. Oktar became an "international hero" in communicating the fallacy of the theory of evolution and the fact of creation. The author's intellectual struggle against materialism and Darwinism has frequently been mentioned in such mainly evolutionist publications as National Geographic, Science, New Scientist and NSCE Reports. The English and German editions of the November, 2004, issue of National Geographic referred to the author's works concerning the Fact of Creation. The following quotation from the book The Evolution Deceit was also included: "The theory of evolution is nothing but a deception imposed on us by the dominators of the world system." The author has also produced various works on Zionist racism and Freemasonry and their negative effects on world history and politics. The Zionism criticised by the author in his books is the baseless claims of Zionist extremists pretend to world sovereignty, regard other human beings as worthless entities, maintain that the Jews are the chosen people and that God is theirs alone. Yet the author's writings very definitely do not imply a rejection of the Jews' right to live in peace and security within the borders of their own state.


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